On Deck
Published 12:33 am Monday, June 16, 2014
Shriners benefit golf
tournament June 21
The El Hasa Shriners annual Hillbilly benefit Golf Tournament will be held Saturday, June 21, at the Portsmouth Elks Country Club.
Fee is $60 per person and all inclusive.
Pick your own partner and draw for teams at 7 p.m. at El Hasa on Thursday, June 19. Food and drinks provided.
Golfers can bring their own foursome and are still eligible for all contests such as longest drive and hole-in-one.
Proceeds benefit the Shriner Hospitals.
For further information, contact Jim Weber at (740) 646-4300.
ILL pitching machine
tourney for 7-8 year olds
The Ironton Little League will host its annual pitching machine tournament for boys and girls ages 7-8 on July 7-10.
Entry fee for the double elimination tournaments are $75. For more information, call (740) 414-0080.
SVJH girls’ basketball
hosting golf scramble
The Symmes Valley Junior High School Lady Vikings’ basketball team will host a benefit golf scramble Saturday, June 28, at The Oaks Golf Course.
Fee is $55 per golfer for $220 per team. Lunch will be provided. Starting time is 8:30 a.m.
First and second palce awards will be given as well as longest drive, closest to the pin and door prizes.
For more information or to register, contact Alvin Carpenter at (740) 643-2908.
Volleyball officials’ class schedule for July 14
Persons wanting to become an Ohio High School Athletic Association volleyball official should attend in instructional class that begins Monday, July 14.
Persons must register online before July 11. If interested, contact instructor Jack Welz at (740) 533-4327 (work) or (740) 532-9415 (home).
Herd baseball camps
to be held in June
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — The Marshall baseball camps will be held at various sites, dates and times throughout June.
Registration is first-come, first-serve and open to anyone in grades K-8. Fee is $75 for three-day camps and $50 for two-day camps. Both can be paid the day of the camp but early registration is recommended.
Camps are 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Dates and sites are: June 16-18 Mason County LL in Point Pleasant; June 19-20 Ashland American LL in Ashland, Ky.
Reds Legends youth
baseball clinic set
The annual Cincinnati Reds Legends youth baseball clinic will be June 16-18 at the V.F.W. Field in Marietta for youths ages 4-19.
Former Reds conducting the clinic include Ron Oester, Clay Carroll, Reggie Sanders, Todd Benziner, Eddie Milner, Leo Cardenas, Pokey Reese and Steve Larkin.
Meals and drinks will be provided daily. Fee is $125 and registration deadline is June 10. To register, contact (740) 373-3476 or use the registration form provided at left or go online at cincinnatiredslegendsyouthbaseballclinic.yolasite.com
Forms and fees can be mailed to Reds Legends, 16650 State Route 550, Marietta, OH 45750.
Proceeds benefit Marietta’s youth baseball.
Rio Grande announces summer hoops camps
The University of Rio Grande is conducting various sports camps this summer.
A boys and girls shooting camp for ages 8-18 will be from 9 a.m. to noon June 16-18. Fee is $60 each.
The Hard Work Camp is for boys ages 10-16 June 22-26. Fee is $200 for commuters and $285 for overnight camps. Fees include meals, lodging, camp jersey, T-shirt and awards.
Registration forms are on theathletic website rioredstorm.com
For more information or to register, contact Ken French at (740) 245-7294 or 1-800-282-7201 ext. 7294 or email kfrench@rio.edu
Rio Grande volleyball camp set June 29-July 1
The University of Rio Grande volleyball camp will be held i two divisions for girls in grades 6-12 from June 29 to July 1 on the campus.
One camp is for grades 6-8 and another for grades 9-12.
Campers will divided into teams for touranment play to conclude the camp.
Fee is $200 per camper and includes overnight lodging, meals and awards.
The camp will include instruction from a former All-American as well as All-Ohio and Player of the Year honorees as well as NAIA national leaders in their area of specialty.
Registration forms and a $100 deposit should be mailed to Billina Donaldson, Volleyball Coach, P.O. Box 500, Rio Grande, OH 45674. Checks should be made payable to Billina Donaldson Volleyball Camp.
Registration forms and a camp schedule is available on the volleyball link of the school’s athletic website.
For more information, contact Donaldson at (740) 988-6497 or email billinad@rio.edu
Cliffside Kiwanis Junior tournament July 10
The Cliffside Golf Club will host its sixth annual Kiwanis Juniors at the club at 1 p.m. Thursday, July 10.
Registration will be from noon to 12:45 p.m. Fee is $20 for ages 9-12 and $30 for ages 13-15 and 16-18.
Individual stroke play will be used. Ages 10 and under will play nine holes and shorter yardage on the front nine.
Clubhouse certificates and individual awards will be presented to the top three places in each division. Cart/meal passes will be available to spectators for $15 in order to follow the tournament and eat with the participants.
To enter, contact the clubhouse at (740) 446-4653 or Ed Caudill at (740) 245-5919 or (740) 645-4381. Leave player’s name and age as of July 10 and current school, or visit the website southeasternohiopreps.com under golf forum.
Bo Reid youth baseball tournament in Tiffin
The 11th annual Bo Reid Memorial Baseball Tournament will be held July 26-27 in Tiffin.
There are 10U and 12U age divisions for the 3-game guarantee round robin format. First eight teams will be accepted.
Entry fee is $275. Contact Brad Lonsway at (419) 443-5440 or btlonsway@aol.com
Roosters Tournament planned for June 21
The third annual Roosters Softball Tournament will be held June 21 in Huntington, W.Va.
Men will begin on Saturday and co-ed on Sunday.
Entry fee is $170 or $150 if paid by June 18. A bracket party will be held on June 18.
The home run limit will be two plus DHH.
Shirts for champions and sponsor trophy for top two teams will gbe given bases on the number of teams.
For more information, call or text (606) 369-0040 or (304) 417-4265.