Working together only way
Published 9:13 am Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Henry Ford once said, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”
Thankfully, those at the center of an impasse between the Concerned Citizens of Burlington and the Fayette Township Trustees saw the importance of working together for the good of the park in that community.
A disagreement over who should oversee the management of the Burlington Commons Park and renting its facilities arose at the beginning of the year when the trustees requested the county commissioners to enter into a management agreement with them.
After weeks of debate between the trustees and the Concerned Citizens, it was decided at Monday night’s township trustees meeting that the trustees would handle the money associated with the park rentals while the volunteer group would continue tending to and improving the park.
The rental fees amount to around $400 a year and the disagreement could have and should have been resolved sooner had the two groups sat down together to work out a plan that everyone could agree on.
Success between government and volunteer organizations only comes if both groups are willing to hash out their differences respectfully.
It is clear the Commons is a great asset to Burlington and the Concern Citizens and the trustees have got to continue to have an open dialogue with each other if they are both going to be involved in the operation of the park.
As for the rental fees, no matter how much is earned each year, every dime of that money should be put back into the park for improvements and general maintenance. If this happens, it shouldn’t matter who handles the funds, since everyone is working toward the same goal.