Preventing refund fraud goal of quiz
Published 10:22 am Friday, March 20, 2015
How old is your grandchild?
What brand of car do you have?
How long is your mortgage?
If you’ve been asked those or similar questions recently, you were probable filing your taxes online.
This year for the first time, some Ohio residents have been asked personal questions in an effort to increase security and curb identity fraud for those filing their 2014 tax returns online.
The four multiple-choice questions are being used to make sure a tax return submitted in someone’s name is genuine and not an attempt by an identity thief to collect a refund check.
Nearly 1 million Ohio residents have been asked to take the quiz, with 98 percent of those residents passing, according to the Ohio Department of Taxation.
The other 2 percent, about 160,000 people, who were asked to take the quiz still haven’t, which is exactly the reason for implementing them in the first place — potential fraud.
Taxpayers who earn a refund deserve to get that refund without fear of someone filing their return and taking their money.
The Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office has already taken several reports from citizens whose returns were filed without their knowledge, creating a bigger headache and more problems than any hardworking person should have to deal with.
The department of taxation is moving in the right direction with these identity quizzes and, hopefully, they will prevent many more people from being able to file fraudulent returns.