Garden nurtures spirit
Published 10:00 am Thursday, July 2, 2015
The memorable line in the movie “Field of Dreams” says, “If you build it, they will come.”
That is exactly what organizers of the community garden hoped for three years ago when they took a plot of land in downtown Ironton, and they were right.
While many started their garden late because of the weather we have had in Lawrence County, the fact that all plots are taken is a good sign.
Additionally, this provides a valuable resource for many in Ironton who may not have a large area or only want a small area to garden.
We applaud the efforts of all involved in making this venture a positive for the community and its residents.
This project is something that many look forward to each year, as around half of those who have plots in the community garden are returnees from last season.
Have there been challenges faced with the project like when someone stole items from various plots two years? Sure. But it was great to see many band together to ensure the efforts of those who had been stolen from did not lose out completely.
The community did exactly what we see nearly every day in Lawrence County. They came together and helped their neighbor.
Working together can provide all of us much more than just a plentiful harvest, it shows our true community spirit.