Village grateful for positive response

Published 12:51 am Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Coal Grove Betterment Club would like to express their thanks and appreciation to the following individuals and businesses that were instrumental in helping make our recent Family Fun Days a success in spite of the weather.

First of all, our auctioneer Bob Sells who does an amazing job each year during our Cake and Pie Auction. Of course, we couldn’t have the auction if it weren’t for those who bake the goodies for us.

They included Judy Blankenship, Doris Collins, Carol Adkins, Hazel Vanover, Diane Miller, Garnet Worthington, Edith Humphrey, Ryan Ritchie, Carolyn Hall, Carol Gool, Vicki McDaniel, Carla Salyers, Tammy Tipton, Shawn McDaniel, Barbara Melvin, Big Ben Express, Spice of Life and Mary Gene Patterson in memory of George Patterson.

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Then we have those who braved the rain to bid on the items, and without whom there could be no auction.

They are Les Boggs, commissioner; Jeff Lawless, sheriff; Steve Burcham county treasurer; Bill Pratt commissioner; Doug Malone and Jon Ferguson, commissioner candidates; Coal Grove Freez-Ett and Coal Grove Foodfair.

Last, but not least, all the wonderful individuals and businesses who donated a basket for our Chinese Auction.

It really does “take a village” and we are so blessed to live in such a place with so many willing to pitch in and help.


Coal Grove Betterment Club

Carol Gool, Secretary

Vicki McDaniel, President

Juanita Markel, Treasurer

Tammy Nutter, V. Pres.