Pet lover casting commission vote for Boggs

Published 2:25 pm Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I’ve heard the horrific stories of past practices at our county dog pound. Almost all of the animals were euthanized. However, Les Boggs changed that. It is now an adoption shelter that helps animals find good homes as pets. Thanks, Les, for caring about deserted and hungry animals. You have my vote and I’m sure many more votes from animal lovers.

Beth Taylor
Coal Grove


Commissioner endorses commissioner

When first elected, I didn’t know Les Boggs very well. After working with him for several years now, I now know he is one of those most intelligent men I know. His critical thinking abilities have solved many problems and prevent unnecessary government waste. Our great county needs Les Boggs. Please ask for a Republican ticket and vote for Les Boggs.

Freddie Hayes


Boggs is best choice

All communities in Lawrence County have benefitted because of the leadership of Les Boggs. Through his job as commissioner, he has helped infrastructure and improvement projects from one end of our county to the other. He wisely utilizes the taxpayers’ finances to actually help people. Thank you, Les Boggs. Our votes are with you.

Timmy Hayes


Boggs decreased sewer bills

Our Union-Rome sewer rates are too high due to a sewer plant that went way over budget. Recently our sewer bills were over $52 per month and due to raise to over $58 per month. Les Boggs came to the rescue and authorized a resolution to lower our rates below $50 for the first time in a long while. I understand he is looking again at the rates to determine if they can be lowered. Thank you, Les Boggs. Many of the Union-Rome sewer users will vote for you.

Wes Sites


Boggs has earned a vote

I’ve seen positive changes in our county thanks to the leadership of Les Boggs. He believes in small government and frugal spending habits. He believes government should cut waste and live within its means. He refused to vote for a property tax increase and bolstered a strong financial condition for us. He has earned my vote.

Jerry Mullens
Coal Grove