Law extends protection
Published 2:23 pm Thursday, June 30, 2016
Helping others is the way of this country. We admire the Good Samaritans and honor them whenever they step up to the plate. Yet, our society is also one of the most litigious.
We seem to want to sue someone else at the drop of a hat or a crook of a finger. Because of that, sometimes those who have the instinct of the Good Samaritan hesitate. In fact, they put on the brakes and don’t help when they want to and their help is needed.
That is why when a legislature steps in to protect Good Samaritans, not only do we cheer, we feel great relief. That is what happened recently in Ohio when a law was passed that protects first responders like firefighters or paramedics when they reach out to help innocent animals caught in crisis like a house fire.
The law permits these professionals to perform resuscitation, provide oxygen, try to stop bleeding or even administer drugs when the animals have ingested opiates.
In the past when these Good Samaritans did reach out to help pets, guide dogs or companion animals and the animals died, owners might retaliate and sue the first responders.
Now with this law there is a strong layer of protection for those who want to do the right thing, but don’t want to get into legal difficulties. Ohio lawmakers are to be commended for what they have done.