Ladies Nine Hole League has numerous winners

Published 1:23 am Monday, July 25, 2016

Jim Walker


PINE GROVE — It was one of those days when you just spread success all around.

There were three different event winners at last week’s Ladies Nine Hole Golf Association outing at the Ironton Country Club.

Hostess Connie Chamberlin announced the winners that included the trio of Pat Riggs, Dora Carmon and Joyce Lewis.

Members are reminded to keep Friday open on their calendars for Couples’ Night with each couple asked to bring an appetizer.

Also on the schedule are the continuing Ringer and Handicap tournaments.

The Ladies Nine Hole Golf Association meets at 9 a.m. each Tuesday for a brief business meeting that features breakfast treats. Golfing events start at 9:30 followed by the announcement of the daily winners as well as lunch.

The early golfing time helps members avoid the mid-afternoon heat.

This week’s hostess will be Georgia Willis and new members are always welcomed.