What has Hillary done for America?

Published 9:04 am Wednesday, August 3, 2016

I suppose that anyone who is a Democrat can be a liar and get can get away with it. That is, if you are a Democrat like Hillary Clinton.

She has lied about the affairs of her husband, and degraded the women, yet she says she supports women. She lied about Bengazi to help Obama get re-elected in 2012. She lied to those families who lost love ones by telling them their deaths were caused by a video.

She knew not to use a private server for government business, then lied to the justice department again. Now she wants to be the first woman president. If you can honestly vote for a woman that has made millions by being a liar, then you just don’t care for supporting her because she is a Democrat. Just what has she ever done for anyone but herself? Enough said.

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Homer Campbell