Treating the root cause
Published 9:03 am Tuesday, September 12, 2017
It was announced last week that Lawrence County Prosecutor Brigham Anderson’s office has received a $100,000 grant to address the opioid epidemic in the region.
The grant, part of a $3 million program by Ohio Attorney general Mike DeWine, expands the Drug Abuse Response Teams (DART) program and Quick Response Teams (QRT) in the state.
Anderson said the funds will be used toward getting those who have overdosed into a treatment facility, rather than focusing on criminally charging them.
The hope is to get a deputy from the county sheriff’s office stationed in the QRT full-time. And to hire a uniformed police officer to work full time for the prosecutor’s office and the drug task force.
As Anderson says, the vast majority of crimes in the region are drug-related, and, by addressing the root cause of addiction, law enforcement can hopefully make a significant dent into the crime rate.
In addition to its human costs, the opioid epidemic has hit towns, villages and counties throughout the region, leaving many cash-strapped as they hope to deal with the crisis.
These funds are much needed in this effort and we commend those who worked to secure the grant and hope to see the money put to good use.