Part of WNF trail closed
Published 9:53 am Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Riders were doing damage to private property
PEDRO — Part of a trail in Wayne National Forest’s Ironton Ranger District will be closed because of damage done by riders on private property that is next to the national foreset.
On Monday, WNF Supervisor Anthony Scardina issued a closure order for a 3.2-mile section of trail located between the Telegraph Trailhead and the intersection of Brushy Fork Road.
The reason is that the section of trail is on private property so the trail riders will be rerouted.
“Because of heavy user traffic, attempts to block the trail where it crosses onto private land have resulted in on-going resource damage,” said Destiny Chapman, Acting Ironton District Ranger. “The order is needed to reduce or eliminate resource damage and allow the Forest Service time to locate a suitable alternative trail location.”
The closure order does not include the part of Telegraph Trailhead near State Route 93, but off-highway vehicle riders will need to find another option to access the Superior Trail System. Riders can get onto that trail system from the Superior, Lyra, or Wolcott Trailheads.
The order will remain in effect until it has been terminated by the forest supervisor. An order violation is punishable by a fine of not more than $5,000 for an individual and $10,000 for an organization, or imprisonment for not more than six months, or both.
For more information, visit the WNF website at