Heated issues on Tuesday’s ballot
Published 8:58 am Monday, November 6, 2017
$65 million spent on Issue 2 ads
COLUMBUS (AP) — High-profile statewide measures on crime victims’ rights and prescription drug prices will be decided Tuesday in Ohio.
The two highly publicized state issues highlight ballots with myriad local races for leadership of the state’s cities, townships and villages.
Marsy’s Law for Ohio aims to expand crime victims’ rights to more closely match those of the accused. The campaign is part of a multi-state effort. The proposed constitutional amendment assures that victims and their families receive notice of court proceedings, have input on plea deals and other rights.
The measure is championed by California billionaire Henry Nicholas and named for his sister, who was stalked and killed by her ex-boyfriend in 1983.
Similar measures have seen pushback in some states where they’ve passed. Opponents cite unintended consequences, such as law enforcers halting the release of vehicle crash reports for fear it would be unconstitutional.
The Ohio Drug Price Relief Act seeks to curb prescription drug prices paid by the state for prisoners, injured workers and the indigent.The citizen-initiated measure would require the state to pay no more for prescription drugs than the Department of Veterans Affairs’ lowest price, which is often deeply discounted.
Supporters, led by the California-based AIDS Healthcare Foundation, say it would save the state millions and could force the industry to reduce prices elsewhere.
An opposition campaign funded by the pharmaceutical industry says it would reduce access to medicines and raise prices for veterans and others.
Reported spending has already topped $65 million, making Issue 2 the most expensive ballot campaign in state history.