Motor vehicle fee on city council agenda
Published 8:21 am Thursday, March 8, 2018
Among the items on the Ironton City Council agenda tonight is an ordinance for a motor vehicle license fee of $5. The tax, if passed, would go into effect on Jan. 1 and would go to repair and maintainence of roads.
The council will also consider a resolution to repeal resolution 14-14 which was adopted in March 2014. The Resolution No. 14-14 specifies that an owner seeking an exemption in community reinvestment areas No. 3 and No. 4 must notify and obtain the approval of the Ironton Board of Education for any exemption request in excess of 50 percent for commercial and industrial property.
It replaced ordinances 83-60 and 83-61 were adopted by Ironton City Council in 1983 in accordance with the countywide Community Reinvestment Act.
The legality of the resolution has been called into question and it unpopular with the Ironton City Schools because its funding is generated from taxes.
Other items before the council include establishing the Justice Reinvestment and Incentive Fund for a grant that was went to the Ironton Municipal Court to help people with addictions, establishing the Economic Development and Investment Fund and passing the city budget for 2018.
Council meets at 6 p.m. on the third floor of the Ironton City Center. There will be a public utilities committee meeting at 5:15 p.m. with a finance committee immediately after.