Lewis notches 3 wins at Ladies Nine Hole

Published 11:37 pm Friday, August 17, 2018

Jim Walker

PINE GROVE — Justify isn’t the only triple crown winner this summer
While Justify was horse racing’s triple crown winner, the Ironton Ladies Nine Hole Golf Association had its own version of a triple crown at its weekly Tuesday event at the Ironton Country Club.
Hostess Pat Riggs served breakfast treats during the weekly business meeting and listed seven golfing events.
Joyce Lewis ran wild across the fairways and putting greens as she won three of the events.
The four other winners were Connie Chamberlin, Sharon Fox, Margaret Donley and Riggs.
Anyone interested in joining the Ladies Nine Hole Golf Association is welcome and women do not have to be members of the Ironton County Club to be part of the group.
The group conducts a brief business meeting each Tuesday is at 9 a.m. and golfing follows at 9:30 or 10.
Next week’s hostess will be Margaret Donley.

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