Plenty of winners at weekly ICC Ironton Ladies Nine-Hole Golf Association outing
Published 12:58 pm Monday, September 30, 2019

Members of the Ironton Ladies Nine Hole Golf Association meet each Tuesday at the Ironton Country Club. Pictured are: front row left to right, Sharon Fox, Pat Lambert and Lana Moore; back row from left to right, Pat Riggs, April Graf, Margaret Donley, Shirley Gleim and Joyce Lewis. (Photo Submitted)
Jim Walker
PINE GROVE — Kellogg’s has its corn flakes and the Ironton Ladies Nine Hole Golf Association has its winners.
The Ladies Nine Hole group had almost as many events as Kellogg’s has cornflakes during its weekly outing last Tuesday at the Ironton Country Club.
Hostess Lana Moore announced a total of eight events during the weekly business meeting before the golfers hit the links.
Pat Lambert came up the big winner as she took three events and Margaret Donely won two events.
Lana Moore, Joyce Lewis and April Graf all won one event each.
Following play, the end of the year Pot Luck luncheon at which time Moore announced the day’s winners.
The annual Handicap Tournament wines were Margaret Donley and Pat Lambert. The Ringer Tournament winners were Becky Dillow, Lana Moore, Pat Lambert and Joyce Lewis.
The Most Improved and Birdie Tree winner was Becky Dillow while Pat Lambert won the Par Tree.
The yearly prizes for weekly winners saw Pat Lambert and Sharon Fox with two wins while Pat Riggs, Joyce Lewis, Becky Dillow, Shirley Gleim, Margaret Donley and Lana Moore all with one win.
The Ladies Nine Hole Golf Association will meet at 9:30 a.m. this Tuesday with play to begin at 10.
The annual Christmas party is scheduled for Dec. 10 which is the second Tuesday of the month. The party will begin with a meeting at 11 a.m. at the Bellefonte Country Club in Ashland, Ky.
New members are always welcomed and persons do not have to be members of the Ironton County Club to be part of the Ladies Nine Hole League and play the nine-hole course in Pine Grove.