Take time to meet the people

Published 9:54 am Sunday, October 20, 2019

On Thursday, The Ironton Tribune hosted the last of its candidate forums for this year’s mayoral and council races.

We would like to thank all candidates who attended, particularly in Ironton and South Point, where the vast bulk of those on the ballot did their civic duty and brought their message to the people.

We were a bit dismayed that in the eastern end of the county, there were numerous no-shows, though.

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While we understand those running have issues may cause an absence, we would hope that they make every effort to attend.

However, in many cases, we heard no response from some candidates in any form, whether to confirm or to let us know of a conflict of schedule.

No one running should take support for granted and it was especially bothersome that several incumbent officeholders were among this number.

It is also rather telling when a candidate misses not just our event, but another forum by a civic group as well, as was the case with one mayoral candidate.

When we organized these events, our aim was to make those running accessible to voters and we opened questions up to the public.

By dodging the forums, these candidates basically told voters that they did not have time for them.

Participation is vital in a democracy and those who avoid potential constituents are doing a major disservice to all.

— To see a list of candidates who attended, see page 8A.