It’s only a drill: South Point schools to have emergency exercise
Published 8:53 am Saturday, November 23, 2019
If you see the red and blue lights of emergency responders around South Point schools on Tuesday morning, there is no cause for alarm. It is all just a drill.
The school will be having its annual emergency management drill as required by state law.
In a letter to parents, Superintendent Mark Christian said that every three years, schools are required to have full-on simulation of an emergency situation. This year, the mock emergency will be that someone has called in a bomb threat.
“It is also going to be a practice session for local first responders with the fire department, EMS and the police departments,” he said. “We are going to work together. We are going to make an actual call to 911 and the police are going to come with their sirens on and search the building. Just like it was the real thing.”
Christian wrote on Facebook that all South Point schools will be doing a full-scale practice exercise which will include local law enforcement, fire departments and other emergency management agencies and that people should not be alarmed by the presence of first responders at the school.
“This exercise is only a drill to help the district and county responders practice our emergency management procedures,” he wrote. “These fire trucks, police cars and ambulances will arrive with their sirens blaring, but again, please do not be alarmed. This drill is just another part of our continued commitment to keep our students safe.”
Christian said that in order to not cause concern during the drill, the school is doing everything they can to get the word out. Besides posting on Facebook, they are sending letters home with students, they are doing an “all call” to students’ homes on Monday and are posting notices on Facebook pages of the South Point mayor, police department, fire department as well as the Burlington Fire Department page.
“We are just trying to get the word out on what is going on,” Christian said. “We don’t want parents getting up and trying to get their kids out of school because they think something is going on. It is just a practice drill.”