Time to clean out closets

Published 7:12 am Saturday, February 8, 2020

Looking for something to do indoors while cold weather is here?

This weekend might be a good time to clean out closets, both to make room for summer clothing and because this coming week is recognized as National Secondhand Wardrobe Week.

It’s a good time to clean out your wardrobe and to take things that no longer fit or do not suit and consider donating them to a secondhand store, where they might be of use and offer a bargain to those in need.

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However, be thoughtful in donations. Donating to such outlets should not serve as a chance to rid oneself of junk.

You can also use this week to organize church, school or youth groups to receive and sort such donations.

And why not take the time to visit secondhand stores and support them, ensuring that your community has a place to fill the need.

And donations should not be limited to just stores or this time of year. Get in touch with local charities and see what new and used items they need and consider organizing a year-round effort.