Doug Johnson: Taking a walk through the miracles that is the Bible

Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 25, 2021

Suppose there was a man who had lived on the earth for 1,900 years, that this man had often been thrown into the sea and yet could not be drowned; that he had frequently been cast before wild beasts who were unable to devour him; that he had many times been made to drink deadly poisons which never did him any harm; that he had often been bound with iron chains and locked in prison dungeons, yet he had always been able to throw off the chains and escape from his captivity; that he had repeatedly been hanged until his enemies thought him dead, yet when his body was cut down he sprang to his feet and walked away as though nothing had happened; that hundreds of times he had been burned at the stake until there seemed to be nothing left of him, yet as soon as the fires were out he leaped up from the ashes as well and vigorous as ever.

Such a man would be superhuman, a miracle of miracles!

Yet, this is the story of the Bible.

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For centuries, kings and rulers have tried to destroy it, to wipe it from the face of the earth, yet it grows stronger with each passing day.

And all because God declared that His Word shall abide forever. (1 Peter 1:23)

Author Fred Mitchell wrote: “The Bible is more than just a book. It is like a magnificent palace constructed of precious oriental stone, comprising sixty-six stately chambers. Each one of these chambers is different from its fellows and is perfect in its individual beauty, while together they form an edifice incomparably majestic, glorious, and sublime.

“In the book of Genesis, we enter the grand Vestibule where we are immediately introduced to the records of the mighty works of God in creation. This Vestibule gives access to the Law Courts, passing through which we come to the Picture Galleries of the historical books. Here we find hung upon the walls scenes of battles, heroic deeds, and portraits of valiant men of God.

Beyond the Picture Galleries we find the Philosopher’s Chamber, the book of Job, passing through which we enter the Music Room, the book of Psalms, and here we linger, thrilled by the grandest harmonies that ever fell on human ears. Then we come to the Business Office, the book of Proverbs in the very center of which stands the motto, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Leaving the Business Office, we pass into the Research Department, Ecclesiastes, and then into the Conservatory, the Song of Solomon, where greet us the fragrant aroma of choicest fruits and flowers and the sweet singing of birds. We then reach the Observatory where the Prophets with their powerful telescopes are looking for the appearing of the “Bright and Morning Star,” prior to the dawning of the “Son of Righteousness.”

Crossing the courtyard, we come to the Audience Chamber of the King, the Gospels, where we find four life-like portraits of the King himself, revealing the perfections of His infinite beauty. Next, we enter the Workroom of the Holy Spirit, the Acts of the Apostles, and beyond that the Correspondence Rooms, the Epistles, where we see Paul and Peter, James, John, and Jude, busy at their tables under the personal direction of the Spirit of Truth.

Finally, we enter the Throne Room, the book of Revelation, where we are enraptured by the mighty volume of adoration and praise which is ever addressed to the enthroned King, and which fills the vast Chamber; while in the adjacent Galleries and Judgment Hall there are portrayed solemn scenes of judgment and wondrous scenes of glory associated with the coming manifestation of the Son of God and King of kings and Lord of lords!”

Yes, the Bible is a magnificent book.

Have you read it lately?

Rev. Doug Johnson is the senior pastor at Raven Assembly of God in Raven, Virginia.