To see in ourselves what God sees in us

Published 5:48 am Sunday, May 15, 2022

Do you talk to your computer? What I mean is, have you ever uttered a, “hurry up”, or “can’t you go any faster” directly at the computer screen right in front of you?
You may be in the crowd that has actually threatened physical harm to an electronic device or two.
Me? Oh, I get along pretty well with technology and as for laptops, I can say that I have never thrown one in a moment of frustration.
I’ve never even considered it, that is until a few years ago when the face recognition software thought I resembled an older and much heavier former actor from the 1970s who will remain nameless!
I suppose it’s not such a big thing when a computer tells you what it thinks it sees in you.
But it is a big thing when we realize what God sees in us.
Well first, He sees what I can be.
Listen to what the Psalmist says, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way.”
God knows your potential more than you can comprehend.
American artist James Whistler, who was never known to be bashful about his talent, was once advised that a shipment of blank canvases he had ordered had been lost in the mail.
When asked if the canvases were of any great value, Whistler remarked, “Not yet, not yet.”
I wonder how many “unfinished masterpieces” exist in the world?
Could you be one of God’s unfinished masterpieces?
Second, He sees what He has in mind for my life.
Listen to the word of the Lord through the prophet Jeremiah, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you says the LORD thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope.”
This tells me that regardless of whether or not we have considered our future, God has!
When 16-year old Eliza married the 20-year old tailor, he had never been to school.
Others might have written his education off as a lost cause, but Eliza didn’t.
She taught him to read, write, and spell. Those days were difficult, but he proved to be a fast learner. In fact, he learned so well that years later he was elected president of the United States!
When he ran for a second term he lost, but refused to give up.
Instead, he won a seat in the U.S. Senate.
Who was this tailor? Our 17th president, Andrew Johnson.
What can happen in your life when aided by the love of not simply a spouse, but your creator?
Last, He sees who I really am. Listen to the words of Psalm 139, “O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up. You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether.”
What a thought and what a sobering truth.
John Wesley was so concerned with building a righteous fellowship that he devised a series of questions for his followers to ask each other every week.
Some found this rigorous system of inquiry too demanding and left the church.
Today, the very idea of such a procedure would horrify many churchgoers. Yet some wisely follow just such a practice.
Chuck Swindoll for example, has seven questions that he and a group of fellow Pastors challenge each other with periodically:
1. Have you been with a woman anywhere, this past week, that might be seen as compromising? (By the way, I so appreciated Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen’s practice that they have established some basic boundaries, which include a policy where neither will go out to eat alone with a member of the opposite sex.)
2. Have any of your financial dealings lacked integrity?
3. Have you exposed yourself to any sexually explicit material?
4. Have you spent adequate time in Bible study and prayer?
5. Have you given priority time to your family?
6. Have you fulfilled the mandates of your calling?
7. Have you just lied to me?
What my Mac Book Pro says it thinks of my looks is trivial compared to what God thinks of how I look.
Nidd R. Qubein writes, “Bernard Shaw played the “What If” game shortly before he died. “Mr. Shaw,” asked a reporter, “if you could live your life over and be anybody you’ve known, or any person from history, who would you be?” “I would choose,” replied Shaw “to be the man George Bernard Shaw could have been, but never was.”
Take my word, friend, it will matter much to each life in the perspective of eternity what God has planned and what we do with that plan.
It will matter much what God sees now in our lives right at this very moment; it matters because how God sees us now is how we may spend eternity.
How are you looking?

Tim Throckmorton is the national director of Family Resource Council’s Community Impact Teams.

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