Shawnee State University’s Vern Riffe Center for the Arts announces Arts Buddy Program

Published 10:36 am Wednesday, September 16, 2015

PORTSMOUTH — The Vern Riffe Center for the Arts at Shawnee State University announces the launching of Arts Buddy Program.

A recent study by the National Endowment for the Arts found that one of the biggest impediments to attending an arts event is that people did not have someone with whom to attend an event, and with that in mind, the VRCFA has started a pilot program called the Arts Buddy Program.

Inspired by a Brazilian bus company that reserved seats for people wanting to make friends with other bus riders, the Arts Buddy Program is designed to find likeminded individuals who are looking to meet others who share an appreciation for art around the Portsmouth area.

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Like the Brazilian bus company, suggestions for conversation topics will be available in an envelope attached to the seat backs in front of the participants. Some of the suggestions will be generic, others specific to the performance that evening.

The goal is to help people find new friends with whom they can attend art events at the VRCFA, Southern Ohio Museum, Final Friday, Portsmouth Little Theatre, Port City Pub and so on.

Those who are interested in participating may visit or call the McKinley Box Office at 740-351-3600 and asked to be seated in one of the Arts Buddy locations.

After the performance, VRCFA may contact participants for feedback about the program.

For more information, contact the VRCFA at 740-351-3600 or visit the VRCFA web site at under the “Events” tab.