Latest Lifestyles


Tim Throckmorton: History always matters

The 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by Soviet troops was marked recently at the site of ...


Doug Johnson: What kids know about love

What does love mean? That question was posed to a group of 4–8 year-old children and their answers ...


Healing Appalachia concert moving to Boyd County

ASHLAND, Ky. — A prominent benefit concert, which features top music names and benefits Appalachian nonprofit efforts, is ...


Doug Johnson: Money isn’t alway a help

What would you do if you won a million dollars? Would it change the way you live? On ...


Tim Throckmorton: Taking time to relax

Henry Nouwen writes, “Without solitude it is virtually impossible to live a spiritual life. Solitude begins with a ...


Doug Johnson: Only human: Mistakes will always happen

There’s an old proverb that says: To err is human — to forgive is divine. It simply reminds ...


Jesus is still working on you

Joel Hemphill wrote a memorable Gospel song years ago that simply says “He’s still working on me” and ...


When trying to save money goes wrong

In today’s world of instant online advice, many pet owners turn to the internet for tips on caring ...


Tim Throckmorton: Battle of the spirit

This global warming is just a killin me! Don’t worry, I am not going to launch into a ...


Doug Johnson: In need of divine protection

Our televisions are often flooded with images of wars being fought around the globe. Scenes of devastation, bombs ...


MJ Wixsom: Building a shelter for cold weather

As temperatures plummet to a frigid 7°F this weekend, it’s critical to ensure the safety and comfort of ...


Local author Seaton dies at 83

HUNTINGTON, WEST VIRGINIA — Carter Taylor Seaton, an accomplished and prolific author of the Tri-State, died Monday at ...


Hutton gallery exhibition showcases past, present

SOUTH POINT — The theme of the reception and exhibition at the Hutton Wayfarer Gallery on Dec. 14 ...


John Ferguson: Forged by Fire — A Christmas Story

The Town The glow of furnace fires painted the hillsides of Lawrence County in molten gold, the smoke ...


Evangelistic Outreach Christmas broadcast set for Sunday

By HEATH HARRISON The Ironton Tribune NEW BOSTON — Evangelistic Outreach will broadcast their annual holiday program on ...

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