Field day is filled with fun
Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 19, 1999
LINNVILLE – Fair burgers will top the list of eats at Saturday’s Lawrence County Ag Field Day.
Thursday, August 19, 1999
LINNVILLE – Fair burgers will top the list of eats at Saturday’s Lawrence County Ag Field Day.
"We’ve got the grill ready and we’ve got our 4-H steer we bought," said Paul Higgins Sr. of Higgins Chevrolet, one of the field day’s sponsors and host.
But supper from the farm won’t be the only agricultural activity during the five-hour free event at the Higgins Farm on Ohio 217.
Organizers plan educational exhibits, conservation speakers and tips for the county farmer, said Ralph Crawford of the Lawrence County Soil and Water District.
"We want to promote conservation practices and new and different things in agriculture," Crawford said, also calling Ag Day a get-together for community spirit.
Co-sponsor Lawrence County Extension Service officials expect about 200 to 300 people, said agent Dave Dyke.
"And we’ve tried to include something for everyone," Dyke said.
An extension agent from Gallia County will speak about tobacco production topics, and seminars on fall and winter management of cow nutrition and rotational grazing also are planned.
A wagon tour of nearby ponds will give visitors the opportunity to learn about aquaculture – how to use ponds effectively for agricultural purposes.
Kurt Yazel, district manager for Gallagher Power Fencing, will fly in from Wisconsin to discuss a project on effective fencing techniques. Gallagher installed different fences on the Higgins Farm this winter. Results from this fencing project will be examined firsthand at the event.
For the kids, the sponsors are organizing a small petting zoo and Higgins said anyone can visit with his miniature horses, peacocks and other animals that live on the farm.
Farmers who have an interest in equipment will have the opportunity to meet with dealers from Gividen’s Farm Equipment, John Deere and others, Crawford said.
"This is the first one we’ve had in several years, and we look forward to getting people out to the farm," he said.
Hamburgers, hot dogs and Dan Fulks’s cornbread and beans will be served at about 5 p.m., Higgins said. The Silver Eagle Band will provide entertainment.
Other sponsors of the event include the Burley Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association of Lexington, Ky., and Pick ‘N Save of Ironton.
For more information, contact the extension office at 533-4322 or the soil and water office at 867-4737.