Children could use someone to talk to
Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 11, 1999
Finding time is tough these days for traditional families.
Saturday, September 11, 1999
Finding time is tough these days for traditional families. Even with two parents, often families can barely find time to have a meal together, let alone a spare 20 minutes for a game of ball.
Let’s face it. These days, if you are raising children, working two jobs is almost a requirement.
Now, imagine what it must be like to have to do it all on your own. That means that once you get home from work, you not only have to cook dinner and do the laundry, you also have to find time to help with homework, listen to the latest development in your teen’s romance and get the dishes done and the dog fed.
It is tough to find the time or the money for the extras.
But, fortunately for many single-parent families, there is help right across the river. Big Brothers/Big Sisters pairs children from single-parent families with volunteers who offer a little bit of their time to share with the children. A Big Brother or Big Sister is not a substitute for a parent. He or she offers an extra hand and an extra ear for a child and a little relief for a parent who needs some time to catch up.
The commitment is a special one and relationships between the children and their "Bigs" can be rewarding for both.
There are more than 50 children waiting for Big Brothers/Big Sisters right now. If you have a little time to give, call 1-800-971-2101.
You could change the life of a child.