School trains part of local workforce
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 26, 1999
There’s no question.
Tuesday, October 26, 1999
There’s no question. Lawrence County has one of the best vocational schools in the area. Students leave its doors with not just the skills they need to earn a living, but the qualities that will make them successful personally, as well.
Years ago, county voters approved a 0.5-mill levy to construct a brand new vocational school building. Now, many years later, it is time to upgrade the structure a bit and to get the materials the school needs to keep pace with the ever-changing business and trade worlds.
So, Tuesday, the school is asking voters to renew the 0.5-mill it took to build the new structure. The renewal will add virtually nothing to the average taxpayer’s bill, but will allow an already fine school to get even better.
The vocational school is a vital part of Lawrence County. Not only does it provide training for hundreds of teenagers, adults get new careers there as well.
Collins Career Center graduates find jobs all over the area – good-paying jobs that boost our economy. Without such an active training site in our county, many people would have to go out-of-state to get the skills they need to find a job. High school students who are not interested in college or want a more structured business or trade approach to education also would have to look elsewhere.
Employers look, too. Knowing that we have a first-class vocational school gives potential employers the confidence they need that there will be a ready, willing and trained workforce waiting for them if they decide to come to Lawrence County. That is a big plus for any community in today’s tight job market.
Keeping the Collins Career Center strong is in everyone’s best interest – economic and otherwise.
This Tuesday, cast your vote for one investment that has paid off and will continue to pay great dividends as this area begins the new millennium.
This is truly an investment not only in the immediate future of the county, but in the tomorrows of thousands of adults and teens. You just can’t lose.