You, too, can help us help community

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 29, 1999

&ltA Renee Carey

During the next couple of months, members of The Ironton Tribune staff will be busy doing more than just their daily work.

Friday, October 29, 1999

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During the next couple of months, members of The Ironton Tribune staff will be busy doing more than just their daily work. They will be working to support causes in their community that they believe in.

This is a special time of year in our office. There probably isn’t a place that loves Thanksgiving and Christmas more in the whole county.

Part of the fun we have each year is working the various fundraisers and other benefits we do each year for a variety of organizations.

We have some new projects planned this year that we will announce later. We don’t want to spoil the surprise, so we will keep them secret for now. But, don’t worry you will get plenty of notice about how you can help.

In addition to our new projects, we will be repeating a couple from last year.

The Tribune will once again be doing a food drive for Thanksgiving and another for Christmas.

The details will be announced soon, but start going through your pantry now.

Last year we had a Furby. Wait until you see what we have this year! Once again, all you have to do to have a chance at our special toy prize is donate a can of food.

Keep watching The Tribune – and our Web site for details.

And, for all you animal lovers out there who include your animals in your holiday celebrations, The Tribune will be sponsoring a pet photo session again.

For $7, we will take a picture of your pet and put it in a pretty holiday folder for display at your home or as a gift for a proud "grandma" or "grandpa."

This project was so popular last year that we decided to ask a couple of our best photographers to assist. For now, we have only scheduled one day, but might add another if there is enough interest. Once again, watch the paper for details on locations for dogs and cats as well as special times.

All proceeds from this project will benefit the Lawrence County Animal Abuse and Adoption Center and all canine and feline visitors will get a special treat when they visit.

Several Tribune employees are also involved in a special sale that will come a little closer to Christmas. If you are looking for a special and unique gift that is ready to go from the store to someone you love, this will be the place to shop.

And these are just a few of the projects we are working on this year.

The holidays are special here and we are very much looking forward to sharing them with you.

Renee Carey is the managing editor of The Ironton Tribune.