County gets money to add water lines

Published 12:00 am Friday, January 7, 2000

State grant money will guarantee water lines and emergency water sources this summer for residents of seven townships.

Friday, January 07, 2000

State grant money will guarantee water lines and emergency water sources this summer for residents of seven townships.

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County commissioners signed a $600,000 competitive Community Development Block Grant Thursday that will join with about $612,000 from Hecla Water Association to put water service in 239 homes.

Local officials applied for the funds last year, seeking completion of several small water line projects.

The grant cited need, income levels, last year’s drought conditions and contamination from mines as reasons for funding.

"With all the job losses, this is the greatest news we’ve had for a while," commissioner Paul Herrell said.

Specific water line projects funded by the grant include:

– Aid Township, Sharp’s Creek, 30 households.

– Lawrence Township, DeLoss Creek, five households.

– Lawrence Township, Turkey Fork, 33 households.

– Elizabeth Township, Fox Hollow/White Oak/Prickley Ash, 72 households.

– Decatur Township, Ohio 93 (extension from end of line), 99 households.

About 90 of those households will be eligible to receive connection assistance dollars, according to the grant documents.

The grant also will install six emergency water taps at public-accessible buildings or areas in Aid, Decatur, Elizabeth, Hamilton, Mason and Symmes townships.

County emergency managers planned those taps while dealing with drought conditions last summer.

Donated water served many residents whose wells dried up, but a permanent source of water to meet such emergency needs was determined as the best drought assistance, said Don Mootz, executive director of 911 and the Lawrence County Emergency Management Agency.

In other action Thursday, commissioners:

– Set their organizational meeting for 8 a.m. Monday.

– Awarded the Pemberton Avenue sewer rehabilitation project to Environmental Pipeliners of Dublin for $115,208.50.

– Awarded contracts for construction of Southeast Ohio Emergency Medical Service’s new Ironton station. Kevin Montgomery Construction will handle general contract work for $193,500 and mechanical contract work for $42,400. McDaniels Electric will handle electrical contract work for $22,287.

– Employed Kathleen LaSalle as a full-time computer technician and shelter clerk at the Lawrence County Dog Pound.

Ms. LaSalle had been part-time and was the only applicant for the full-time position.