Other counties have tips on development

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, February 1, 2000

Madison County is one of many counties in the state that has had to deal with job losses over the past few years.

Tuesday, February 01, 2000

Madison County is one of many counties in the state that has had to deal with job losses over the past few years. Plants left and took jobs with them.

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Rather than sit and wait for opportunities to come to them, Madison County officials decided instead to invest a little money and time in their community.

That county did everything it could to attract new business. Cooperation, plans and strategies for attracting and winning new business became job No. 1. And when large-scale plants did not seem to be the answer, the community regrouped again and found a direction that has brought their area one of the lowest unemployment rates in the state.

What is the difference between Lawrence and Madison counties? There are a few, but the bottom line is Madison officials decided that if they were going to capture new business, they would have to get busy and do the legwork.

Lawrence County is now facing a similar challenge – making up the more than 1,000 jobs that have disappeared over the last few years.

A campaign like the one in Madison is just as feasible here – and could bring as good, if not better, a result.

If Madison County’s development staff knew that there were opportunities for towns along a river to bring new industries to their community, how come this county’s professionals have not even mentioned their pursuit of that business – or the progress they have made in getting those potential employers to consider Lawrence County?

Lawrence County needs more openness from its chamber officials and more participation in the development process from local professionals, community members and others who want to secure a reliable and profitable future for their county.

If Madison residents can show employers why they should come to their county, so, too, can Lawrence Countians.

All it will take is a professional and complete presentation, hard work and enthusiasm as well as a willingness to try anything to get the attention of a company looking for a new address.

But we have to believe in ourselves first.