State officials’ help boon for city’s future

Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 6, 2000

Many Lawrence County residents were probably a little skeptical when they first heard that Gov.

Sunday, February 06, 2000

Many Lawrence County residents were probably a little skeptical when they first heard that Gov. Bob Taft was sending state officials to help this area rebound from recent announcements of more layoffs and a plant closing.

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And they had reason to be suspicious; Columbus has not exactly been falling all over itself to send help this way. In fact, there is even some doubt that some of them even knew Ohio’s borders extended all the way to the river.

But over the past few weeks, many community members have been pleasantly surprised by the effort and dedication T.J. Justice, the director of Gov. Bob Taft’s Region 7 economic development office, has given this area in its time of need.

Instead of a lot of patronizing advice or empty promises, Justice went to work and has been instrumental in offering some alternatives and encouragement.

We are not there, yet, but there have been many positive steps that should reassure many community members that the state has sent one of its best. Now, all the county has to do is take advantage of the expertise he is offering,

It isn’t easy to focus on the positive in the midst of so much sadness that has enveloped the city this week, but community members should take comfort in the fact that there is a plan in place – finally – and that there is someone who believes in the city’s potential in our corner.