Parents beware: Drugs are here, too

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, February 16, 2000

A recently released study of children in small towns and suburban areas revealed this month that drugs aren’t just in the big cities anymore.

Wednesday, February 16, 2000

A recently released study of children in small towns and suburban areas revealed this month that drugs aren’t just in the big cities anymore.

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The study found that more and more teens in areas that many of us took for granted as "safe" from the grip of dealers are not only trying some of the most dangerous forms of drugs, but becoming addicts at young ages.

Law enforcement officials say that Lawrence County teens are not at that level yet, but there is ample indication that drugs are indeed becoming big trouble not only in this county, but across the border in Scioto County as well.

Parents in rural areas who think that their children are "only using marijuana" are being naive at best and dangerously oblivious at worst.

There are hard drugs in this area, absolutely, and they are getting to our children. And the qualifier that most of the teenagers are only using marijuana should be no comfort. Law enforcement officials say that’s the easiest way to move on to the more serious drugs like heroin and crystal meth.

Dilligence by parents and schools as well as strict penalties for those who are caught dealing or using are the best ways to keep the drugs out of the hands of our children. There is no more important job for any of us. In this case, a little prevention just might save a life.