OK, primary is over; don’t miss November
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 8, 2000
For many people across Ohio, Tuesday’s good weather was just too much of a temptation.
Wednesday, March 08, 2000
For many people across Ohio, Tuesday’s good weather was just too much of a temptation. Why should they waste time voting when they could drive around with their car top down or otherwise find a way to spend a few moments outdoors?
There is no question that many voters just don’t see a need to cast their ballots in primary elections – no matter what is at stake.
And, if you are going to skip an election – if you are not a declared Republican or Democrat, or if your school district is not trying to pass a levy – a primary is the one you should pick.
But, the object is not to miss any chance to make your voice heard when it comes to choosing whom you want to lead your county, state or country.
Every vote that is cast in a primary narrows the field for the November General Election. That means, a candidate whose philosophies you champion might not even get the chance to be on the ballot if you don’t get out and vote in a primary.
For those of you who simply cannot be convinced that primaries are worth your time, fine, but make sure that you are at the ballot box this November.
The right to vote is not a guarantee everywhere in the world. Elections mean something here – and the people really do get to choose.
The General Election is a chance for you to have your say in how your country will be run. Don’t miss it. Make plans to vote.