Residents can still join project for city

Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 18, 2000

A call to arms by one Ironton resident for groups interested in helping him and other volunteers clean up their city has gotten more than just a few little bites of interest.

Saturday, March 18, 2000

A call to arms by one Ironton resident for groups interested in helping him and other volunteers clean up their city has gotten more than just a few little bites of interest.

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There has almost been an avalanche of good wishes and support from Randy Lilly’s neighbors – all of whom seem eager to get to work.

But for those who have been busy this past week or who might have missed the discussions concerning the project, there is still time to be part of Ironton’s first citizen-run effort to make a difference in this city’s future.

To participate, all you have to do is call Lilly, who is himself a former city councilman. He will put your name on the list. If you are a group, contact Lilly, too. If you have a particular area of the city you would like to work on, mention that, too.

This is a project that should be perfect for any civic or youth organization that operates within the city limits. What better way to serve this community than to offer a little elbow grease to a problem that is much too big for only a few willing hands.

The interest is already proving to be exceptional. Don’t be the only group not counted on this special day.

There will be more details soon, but right now, getting a list of participants is particularly important.

Ironton is on its way back. Make sure you are a part of an event that is destined to be an historic example of what a community of people who cares can accomplish.