Protesters’ message had a too-violent ring

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 19, 2000

The protesters who have filled Washington’s streets during the last few days have used anger, force and stubbornness to try to convince the world to reject the International Monetary Fund and World Trade Organization.

Wednesday, April 19, 2000

The protesters who have filled Washington’s streets during the last few days have used anger, force and stubbornness to try to convince the world to reject the International Monetary Fund and World Trade Organization.

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Some are even saying that the groups’ antics rival those of the mob that caused havoc in downtown Seattle when the WTO came to town for a meeting.

The question of the motives of the WTO and the IMF and the consequences that develop from either organization’s interference in Third World and developing countries is a reasonable one. Many people agree that both organizations have done nothing but make these countries poorer and allowed banks the chance to make risky loans.

So, perhaps there is a need for some sort of protest.

The problem is, however, this week’s protest and those in Seattle did not just express the concerns of a group of activists.

They turned into violent scuffles with police and an excuse to destroy downtown Seattle. And, if this week’s events are any indication, there will be more of these protests in the future.

Activism is important. People should speak out against organizations and decisions that they feel are fundamentally wrong.

But, the model that these protesters are using for their free speech seems a little more like anarchy than a sincere desire to make the world a better place.

Speak out against the WTO and IMF, but with words and votes, not rocks and vandalism.