Children can cast their lines for prizes

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 17, 2000

The Wayne National Forest’s 10th annual Kid’s Fishing and Fun Day is three days away.

Wednesday, May 17, 2000

The Wayne National Forest’s 10th annual Kid’s Fishing and Fun Day is three days away.

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The event will open at 8 a.m. Saturday at Lake Vesuvius Beach to all children 16 years old and younger.

"Right now, everything’s in high gear," forest information officer Wilma Boggess said.

"We just look forward to it being a family day," Mrs. Boggess said. "It’s to encourage family fun, recreation activities and sportsmanship. And it just keeps getting bigger and better."

Area children who register may fish all they want, plus win fishing and casting contests throughout the morning.

"The kids have lots of fun every year and there are lots of prizes for the biggest fish caught, most fish, the best casting, several things," Mrs. Boggess said, adding there also will be raffle drawings.

Children should bring their own fishing poles, tackle and bait.

Fishing experts will provide tips and assistance to contest participants. Contests begin about 9:30 a.m. Lunch will be served by the Ironton Area Kiwanis Club about 11 a.m. and prizes will be awarded at noon.

All events should wrap up by 1 p.m., Mrs. Boggess said.

The forest has organized an extra feature for this year’s fun day – a hands-on learning session hosted by the South Hills Longbeards Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation.

Children can learn more about wild turkeys by playing games and watching demonstrations by federation members, Mrs. Boggess said.

Also, Ohio University Southern Campus Nature Center staff will highlight educational activities available this summer and wildlife officers from the Ohio Division of Wildlife will demonstrate its "Robo-Deer," she said.

For younger participants, Smokey the Bear and his friends will show children how to safely build a campfire and how to put it out correctly.

Parents should pre-register their children for the fun day by Friday. Pre-registration guarantees children will receive a surprise grab bag at the fun day, Mrs. Boggess said.

Registration forms are available at the ranger station on Ohio 93 or the Wayne’s Web site (

For more information, call Mrs. Boggess at the ranger station at 534-6500.

The Kid’s Fishing and Fun Day is a community-sponsored event. All food and prizes are donated.

This year’s sponsors include: McDonald’s of Ironton, Subway of Ironton, Bartram and Son Grocery, Corner Produce, 7-Up and RC Bottlers of South Point, The Tackle Box, Vic’s Bait Shop, Long John Silver’s of Ironton, SuperAmerica of Ironton, C&C Grocery, Bart’s Pet Shop, County Line Grocery and Restaurant, Dickess Market, Boy Scout Troop 115, Hecla Water Association, Lawrence County Bass Club, Kit Carson’s Bait Shop, Izaak Walton League of America, Ohio Division of Watercraft and Ohio Division of Wildlife.