Two men face jail for criminal non-support

Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 20, 2000

Two county men were sentenced to jail terms this week after hearings in Lawrence County Common Pleas Court.

Saturday, May 20, 2000

Two county men were sentenced to jail terms this week after hearings in Lawrence County Common Pleas Court.

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Roger Burgess, 41, of 764 County Road 3, Chesapeake, pleaded guilty Wednesday to attempted possession of drugs, a first-degree misdemeanor.

Common Pleas Court Judge Frank McCown sentenced Burgess to six months in the county jail without credit for time served.

Daniel Rice, 36, of South Point admitted a parole violation. He was originally charged with criminal non-support.

Rice was sentenced to 21 days in the county jail and ordered to keep child support payments current.

Also Wednesday, Timothy Brandt, 34, of 3394 W. 100th St., Cleveland, pleaded guilty to an indictment charging him with three counts of criminal non-support.

Sentencing was postponed until a pre-sentence investigation can be completed.