Keep on practicing water conservation

Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 22, 2000

Don’t let the rain fool you, Lawrence County remains on the danger list for a summer drought that could damage some of the area’s water supply.

Thursday, June 22, 2000

Don’t let the rain fool you, Lawrence County remains on the danger list for a summer drought that could damage some of the area’s water supply.

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Experts agree that only a small percentage of rainwater stays in the ground where it will benefit wells and springs. Most rainfall here ends up as runoff into the Ohio River.

So, just because it’s been rainy lately, doesn’t mean the potential for drought is gone.

We still need to be careful when using our precious water.

State emergency managers suggest several methods for conserving water.

First, and foremost, use common sense. Don’t let the water run while you’re brushing your teeth and don’t use the dishwasher for a handful of dishes it would take you five minutes to wash anyway.

Other conservation measures include:

– Adjust all water-using appliances to use the minimum amount of water.

– Use washing machines only with full loads. Wash dishes by hand, but don’t leave the faucet running.

– Take shorter showers.

– Where plumbing fixtures can accommodate them, install flow-restricting or other water-saving devices.

– Use sink and tub stoppers to avoid wasting water.

– Keep a bottle of chilled water in the refrigerator.

– Install toilet tank displacement inserts or find other eays to use less water to flush.

Conserving water is really not that difficult. And it could prevent an emergency if we all pitch in to do it.