Club exemplifies community spirit
Published 12:00 am Monday, July 3, 2000
Every year, a dedicated group of individuals plan, raise funds and put together one of Lawrence County’s most attractive events – the Coal Grove Family Fun Days.
Monday, July 03, 2000
Every year, a dedicated group of individuals plan, raise funds and put together one of Lawrence County’s most attractive events – the Coal Grove Family Fun Days.
These individuals, really heroes of their hometown, are known collectively as the Coal Grove Betterment Club. And that’s exactly what they try to do – make their community better.
The annual festival is only one of the group’s contributions to the village.
Each time they meet, and every day really, the club’s members look into their hearts for a mission that will improve the quality of life.
They get behind village projects. They support local schools. They brainstorm for positive change, then promote that change.
They are a living example of community spirit and anyone who missed this weekend’s events at Paul Porter Park, or misses out on tonight’s festivities that will culminate with fireworks, will miss a chance to feel that spirit.
When towns all across the country are becoming divided or changing into closed-door societies, it is refreshing to see Coal Grove residents standing up to say their community is alive and well.
Keep up the good work.