Take note of those who supported 4-H

Published 12:00 am Monday, July 17, 2000

Some pretty big numbers were bid this weekend at the Lawrence County Fair Livestock Sale – and some records were broken, too.

Monday, July 17, 2000

Some pretty big numbers were bid this weekend at the Lawrence County Fair Livestock Sale – and some records were broken, too.

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And while the excitement of being a part of the bidding process is reward enough for some of those who plopped down dollars for one of the livestock projects Saturday, county residents should take note of those who put their money where their mouths were and supported the efforts of the county 4-H clubs.

The businesses, candidates and officeholders who were part of the sale did not have to bid the numbers they did – especially for the champions and reserve champions.

They could have tried to get the lowest price they could for the livestock.

But, they knew that the money was going to the children and teenagers who put their hearts into their projects – and that was incentive enough for them to provide nice take-home prizes for these dedicated youngsters.

The 4-Hers will say thank you to the buyers, but the county should recognize them, too. These are the businesses and individuals who pay back the county that has allowed them to make a living or to serve in public office. And that says something about their commitment to their community and its future.

Businesses that support their county deserve their county’s patronage. Think about that the next time you shop.