Neighbors, others helped find child

Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 22, 2000

There were more than a few heroes in the recent search and rescue mission to find 11-year-old Roger Rucker of Scottown.

Saturday, July 22, 2000

There were more than a few heroes in the recent search and rescue mission to find 11-year-old Roger Rucker of Scottown.

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The little boy disappeared near rushing creek waters while he was riding his bike.

Although he was found too late to save, there were more than a few people who did more than pray for the Rucker family. They put their boots on and went to work.

Neighbors and volunteers from around the community risked their own lives to comb the creek banks and the water to try to find little Roger. Some refused to leave their search even for a rest, ignoring hunger and fatigue.

They are truly heroes.

These days, people are often more willing to sit by and watch a rescue attempt than to offer their help. To have so many dedicated volunteers turn out in an emergency like this says a lot about Scottown and Lawrence County

These people did not have to help. They could have sat by and waited for official assistance. Instead, they put their boots on and went to work – some to save a little boy they did not even know.

Even though these dedicated volunteers were unable to end their search successfully, they should be proud. Their unselfish actions could just as easily have saved a life.

They let a family know they were not alone.