Rock Hill board hires personnel

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 30, 2000

PINE GROVE – Issues that affect the operation of the new school year topped discussions Tuesday night during a special meeting of the Rock Hill Board of Education.

Wednesday, August 30, 2000

PINE GROVE – Issues that affect the operation of the new school year topped discussions Tuesday night during a special meeting of the Rock Hill Board of Education.

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Board members entered executive session to discuss personnel issues that were to be voted on later in the meeting.

Afterward, all five board members voted unanimously to approve the assignment of Dallas McCoy as a new special-education classroom teacher at Rock Hill Elementary No. 4.

"Dallas requested to go back to the classroom," Superintendent Lloyd Evans said. "He said he needed a change of pace and wished to resign from his position as the Middle School guidance counselor. He said there was a big line of parents and students after the first couple days of school that were wanting to make some schedule changes."

Evans said the demotion was not related to the previous drug use allegations that occurred at the end of the previous school year.

"This had nothing to do with any allegations that have been made against him," he said. "He was just getting tired of his position as a guidance counselor and wanted back in the classroom and, we did have a need for a special education teacher."

McCoy will teach in a special classroom as part of an experiment in the district.

"In recent years, we have had an increase in the number of students in the district who need this attention in a classroom," Evans said. "The teacher who originally taught the class retired two years ago. We didn’t have as many students then, so, we didn’t fill the position. Dallas does have the certification for the job."

In other business:

– Lou Anne Capper was hired as a business education teacher at the high school. She had previously been teaching at the Scioto County Joint Vocational School.

– The resignation of middle school librarian Doris H. Childers was accepted by the board effective Sep. 30 due to retirement.

– The board voted to hire Gene Adams as transportation director for the district under a supplemental contract for the 2000-2001 school year. The decision came after the executive session meeting.

– The board approved hiring Connie Miller under a supplemental contract as an educational aide for the handicapped bus for the new school year after the executive session.