Determination can be our best asset

Published 12:00 am Monday, October 23, 2000

Stick to your guns.

Monday, October 23, 2000

Stick to your guns. No pain, no gain. Going for broke. Pushing the limits. Whatever you call it, determination is an asset that can mean the difference between success and failure.

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Men walked on the moon, because they were determined to get there.

Doctors developed vaccines for smallpox and other dreaded diseases, because they were determined to cure people.

Fledgling microchip companies opened up whole worlds of opportunity, because they were determined to get ahead in life.

Athletes have overcome incredible odds to train and practice their way to a gold medal, because they were determined to better themselves.

Our neighbors defeated cancers and tumors, because they were determined to become well.

It’s all around us, this drive to conquer adversity.

It’s even in the Village of Coal Grove, where two grant applications wait at the bottom of the funding list. Officials knew their grants would rank low but they applied anyway.

Will they win out?

It all depends on the applications, the reviews, the demonstrated need, the costs, dozens of factors.

Yet, like the astronauts, the doctors, the athletes, our neighbors, they can already claim the biggest prize – determination.