Still time to really look at candidates

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 31, 2000

A week from today, Lawrence County voters will stand in voting booths and punch cards to decide who will represent them on national, state and local levels.

Tuesday, October 31, 2000

A week from today, Lawrence County voters will stand in voting booths and punch cards to decide who will represent them on national, state and local levels.

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Some of those people who will be standing in those booths have already decided for whom they will vote. In fact, they have known for a while. Their decision will have been made because of one of the candidates’ stands on an issue or simply by party affiliation.

This message is not for them.

There are still plenty of Americans who are not sure which of the candidates woud be the best pick for president. And, there are also plenty of county voters who haven’t made up their minds about the local races, either.

That’s OK. There is still time.

This weekend, you will see plenty of political ads in the newspaper. Look them over and compare the candidates. Go to the library and read the coverage from last week’s candidates’ forum. Pay attention to the coverage of the national candidates on television and in the newspaper.

Then, think seriously about whom you want to trust with your county and your nation’s futures.

And, most importantly, after you have looked at the issues and the candidates, take your choice to the polling places.

A vote not cast is a vote lost.