Telling stories of the holidays
Published 12:00 am Friday, December 22, 2000
Stories have reached our ears this holiday season – stories of coats passed on from a neighbor, of firewood given to someone who has little, of food baskets, coat drives, anonymous gift certificates and toys that will become a child’s Christmas gift.
Friday, December 22, 2000
Stories have reached our ears this holiday season – stories of coats passed on from a neighbor, of firewood given to someone who has little, of food baskets, coat drives, anonymous gift certificates and toys that will become a child’s Christmas gift.
Really, there are so many stories of generosity, kindness and true human spirit
that it would be hard to list them all here, today. So, we would like to take a few weeks and tell the tales that need telling, and we’re asking for your help.
Ask your neighbor, friend or family member if they mind, then jot down a few notes about what they have done.
Send it to The Tribune and we will take the time to type it and put it on this page. Think of it as a small thank you.
Of course, many people wish to remain anonymous. That’s fine. We would still like to tell the story because their deed may inspire someone else.
We all will benefit from hearing the stories – even after the Christmas candles burn low and the leftovers have been put away and the wrapping thrown in the dumpster.
It would be good to tell them all year long actually, because the message they send should touch us all year long.