Construction work at OUSC resumes

Published 12:00 am Friday, February 2, 2001

Work has resumed on the Ohio University Southern Campus Bill Dingus Technology Center.

Friday, February 02, 2001

Work has resumed on the Ohio University Southern Campus Bill Dingus Technology Center.

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A new contractor, Portco Inc. from Portsmouth, is in place, interim Dean Dr. Eric Cunningham said.

"They resumed construction a week ago Monday, and we’re excited to see it," Dr. Cunningham said.

The site had been prepared by previous contractors. And, in-ground pilings for construction are in place to support the superstructure.

The project is scheduled for completion by next February, which will mean delays.

"Some of the courses we had planned will be delayed but we’re excited to see construction," Dr. Cunningham said.

The $6 million technology center project will provide classroom, lab and office space for technology instruction.

The building will offer an auditorium, two art labs, an industrial electronics labs, a computer training lab, an allied health lab, four general classrooms and 15 faculty offices. Each room will offer modern technology access.

OUSC’s rapid growth has paved the way for the center’s need, campus officials said.

The center will help bring Ohio’s workforce up to date with technology, they said.

The center will become the headquarters for campus technical faculty and the two-year technical degree directors.

Every room of the new technology center will have computer hookups, network access, closed-circuit television and access to overhead cabling for future technological expansion, architects said.

An auditorium boasts a 72-seat capacity for speakers and programs.

A two-story glass atrium will connect the new building to OUSC’s existing Academic Center.