Council to have options for fee
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, February 13, 2001
When Ironton City Council meets on Feb.
Tuesday, February 13, 2001
When Ironton City Council meets on Feb. 22, councilmen will have two pieces of legislation to consider passing to address the city’s budget problem.
During Monday’s meeting of council’s Finance Committee, members came up with two options, both of which involves a municipal fee.
The first piece of legislation, sponsored by councilmen Jesse Roberts and Leo Ulery, calls for a temporary $2.50 municipal fee to begin April 1, 2001 and last through March 31 of 2002. According to the legislation, if during November’s general election a fee or tax is voted on by the public to be used in lieu of the municipal fee, the temporary fee will cease on Jan. 1 when the other collection begins.
Roberts initially proposed ending the temporary municipal fee on Jan. 31, but Ulery felt the extra two months of collection would provide an extra cushion.
Council chairmen Jim Tordiff, meanwhile, will sponsor legislation that will call for a $2 municipal fee plus using $1 of the $4 fire fee for additional manpower, thus freeing up money in the general fund.
Tordiff said he has no quarrels with the legislation sponsored by Roberts and Ulery, but has publically promoted the municipal fee/fire fee combination and he "wouldn’t feel comfortable" changing his stance.
What will be presented to the public in November, however, is not yet known. Tordiff said Mayor Bob Cleary is in the process of putting together a committee to study this issue. He added there will be public forums for citizens to gather information and offer input.
"The people who want to will have the opportunity to understand the city’s finances," Tordiff said.