PRIDE group leadership
Published 12:00 am Monday, June 4, 2001
Lawrence county high school students taught more than 150 elementary and middle school students about choosing not to abuse drugs or alcohol last week.
Monday, June 04, 2001
Lawrence county high school students taught more than 150 elementary and middle school students about choosing not to abuse drugs or alcohol last week.
The Parental Resource in Drug Education (PRIDE) team, which consists of approximately 50 high school students, conducted a leadership camp Wednesday through Friday at Canter’s Cave in Jackson, PRIDE team adviser Panda Powell said.
The PRIDE members led discussions and activities on self-esteem, self-awareness and making good choices with the younger ones, Powell said.
There were games and teamwork activities, including a ropes course, simulated rock climbing, wilderness survival skills, tie dying, a bonfire, a dance with karaoke, making quilt pieces, fishing and an award ceremony.
A great deal of preparation went into the planning of this event, especially for the PRIDE team.
"We have been training them to do peer counseling for over a year," Powell said.
The students who attended the camp, who will enter the fourth through eighth grades in the fall, were chosen by their schools or social workers, Powell said.
"They are kids that need a little push," she said.
The camp was funded by the Wellness Block Grant that comes out of the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund, she said.