SEOEMS to take over county’s 911
Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 22, 2001
Thursday’s reorganization of the county’s emergency services means a change in supervisors for 911 dispatchers.
Sunday, July 22, 2001
Thursday’s reorganization of the county’s emergency services means a change in supervisors for 911 dispatchers.
Southeast Ohio Emergency Medical Services entered into a "memorandum of agreement" with the county commissioners to provide management services of the 911 Dispatching Center for a 90-day period, at a cost of $2,500 per month.
Eric Kuhn, SEOEMS executive director, said the ambulance service’s board of directors agreed to help after the county asked if it would be willing.
A communications supervisor with SEOEMS will be assigned as an on-site manager during the 90 days, Kuhn said.
Commissioner Jason Stephens, one of two commissioners voting in favor of the emergency services reorganization, said the county hopes to use the ambulance service’s 28 years of dispatching experience during the interim.
"And it will save us about $2,000 a month on management costs," Stephens said.
Commission president Paul Herrell said he wants to take a wait-and-see attitude on whether SEOEMS continues managing 911 dispatch.
"I want to see how it works out, but I think it would be best for the county," Herrell said.
Any such deal would likely require more discussion and SEOEMS board approval.
Nothing is set in concrete; that’s why they’re doing it for 90 days, Herrell said.
The five motions read and approved 2-1 Thursday – commissioner George Patterson voted no on each – were:
– Motion to divide Lawrence County Emergency Services into two separate agencies: Lawrence County Emergency Management Agency and 911 Dispatching Center.
– Motion to eliminate the positions of executive director-emergency services and assistant director-emergency services.
– Motion to form the position of director-Lawrence County Emergency Management Agency. This position will oversee the EMA and report directly to the Board of County Commissioners.
– Motion to name Mike Boster as the director-Lawrence County Emergency Management Agency with no change in his current salary ($30,000 per year) effective immediately.
– Motion to enter into a memorandum of agreement with SEOEMS in order for SEOEMS to provide management services for the 911 Dispatching Center for a 90-day period at a cost of $2,500 per month effective immediately.