Hats off to the teachers
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 15, 2001
Thursday marks the first day of in-service at most county schools.
Wednesday, August 15, 2001
Thursday marks the first day of in-service at most county schools. City and other schools will follow soon enough.
It’s at this time, when teachers and principals "officially" come back to the schools, that we should take a minute and think about what they will be doing in the months to come.
Educators make up one of our truest assets. They work around the clock, sometimes seven days a week preparing lessons, watching out for our children, doing all they can to prepare future generations of lawyers, bankers, road crews and political leaders.
So, the next time you hear the teacher next door’s car start before the crack of dawn, think to yourself – there goes my child’s future.
Hats off, teachers and staff. Keep up the good work.