With the School bell’s ring, Classes are now in session
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 21, 2001
COAL GROVE – Math teacher Susan Higgins handed out sheets of paper Monday, explaining what’s in store for her students.
Tuesday, August 21, 2001
COAL GROVE – Math teacher Susan Higgins handed out sheets of paper Monday, explaining what’s in store for her students.
Adam Jenkins looked up. Getting started on math? The first day of school?
"Getting started? Yes, I wouldn’t let an opportunity pass," the Dawson-Bryant Middle School teacher said, grinning. "I’ve got your books right over there."
That scene likely repeated itself all over the county Monday – the first day back in class for Chesapeake, Dawson-Bryant, Symmes Valley, Fairland, Collins Career Center and Rock Hill schools.
South Point started Friday. Ironton schools returned today.
Although many students might have found their first day back a repeat of years past, a number of firsts occurred throughout schools yesterday.
Construction scenes greeted students at Chesapeake, Fairland and Rock Hill districts.
Also at Rock Hill, Wes Hairston, formerly assistant principal at Rock Hill High, greeted Rock Hill Middle School students as the building’s new principal.
Greg Webb of Crown City, formerly assistant superintendent at Huntington, W.Va., High School, sat in the principal’s chair at South Point High.
Back in Mrs. Higgins’ class at Dawson-Bryant, like in many other school classrooms no doubt, the teacher picked up a new textbook.
"This is what we’re going to be using this year," she said, explaining some of her training last year in the Carnegie Learning system.
Students will learn their algebra using classwork, projects and presentations, and part of their day in a computer lab.
"I’ve taught algebra for 13 years, and this program really makes algebra make sense," she told the class.
Welcome back.