Goober: Veteran prognosticator cleans up

Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 30, 2001

Ya know, I been doin’ this here pigskin pickins fer more than 30 years now and I guess I is startin’ to show a little age.

Thursday, August 30, 2001

Ya know, I been doin’ this here pigskin pickins fer more than 30 years now and I guess I is startin’ to show a little age. But jest a smudge, now.

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Ennywho, someone said I wuz gittin’ a littl’ thin on top and that I should think bout gittin’a rug.

Welp, I look around and then I went to see ol’ Fred Weber down at McCauley’s and he showed me a big room full of samples. I showed a rug that wuz real plush and said that’s the one I wants. He said he’d git Charlie to take of puttin’ it in.

Charlie asked me where I wanted it put, and I said, ‘On top of my head, of course.’ Welp, the boy jest grinned real big and pulled out a giant staple gun. I liked to died.

But I gots this nice rug on my head now and my littl’ girls likes fer me to lie on the floor and then they let’s their Barbie dolls play on my head.

Now don’t git me wrong. I ain’t complainin’ none. I kin take this rug, but when I gots a cold the other day and my brother said I probaly needed a new set of pipes in my throat, I done drawed the line there.

Ennywho, last week twern’t bad fer the first week. I went 10-4 and I sees whar I went wrong. I’ll make those correcshuns this week and improve. Week No. 2:

South Point at Ironton: Wing-T vs. Fullhouse-T. Looks like we needs to cross our T’s and dot our I’s as in …. Ironton 28, South Point 12.

Coal Grove at Gallipolis: Life on the road can be pretty tough as the Hornets find out for the second straight week. Gallipolis 24, Coal Grove 14.

Fairland at Minford: See Coal Grove game above. Minford 27, Fairland 14.

Wayne at Chesapeake: After watchin’ Portsmouth’s speed and quickness, Wayne will look like they is standin’ still. Well, I guess there will still be some movement. Chesapeake 26, Wayne 22.

Vinton County at Rock Hill: No last-minute disaster this week. Rock Hill 20, Vinton County 12.

Symmes Valley at Southeastern: The second straight Valley (last week River Valley) plays Southeastern, but this time the Valley will be restin’ high. Symmes Valley 18, Southeastern 12.

Lewis County at Green: Could the Bobcats actually be 2-0? Green 17, Lewis County 13.

Paint Valley at Wheelersburg: The Pirates wuz stunned last week. Look fer Paint Valley to catch their wrath. Wheelersburg 32, Paint Valley 12.

Other games: Portsmouth over Chillicothe, Portsmouth West over Huntington Ross, Waverly over Jackson, Zane Trace over Northwest, East over Landmark Christian, Oak Hill over Unioto, Danville over Notre Dame, Ashland over Russell, Dave’s Sandwich Shop is open (which means it has two weeks to get ready for Russell).